The Kuomintang party is asking voters in Taiwan to choose between war and peace in the upcoming elec
licesop | 2024-01-10 01:42:24 | 閲覧数: 204

Rock music was booming, dancers were gyrating on stage, and the crowd was going crazy waving thousands of Taiwan flags. All of these things were happening simultaneously.

At the political event that was organized on Saturday for the candidate of the Kuomintang (KMT) for the presidential election that will take place on January 13th, attendees were in full swing.

It was the host who yelled out, "Give me a president!" "Hou You-ih!" could be heard from the throng.

During the time that Mr. Hou was watching, his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong took the microphone and delivered a broadside attack against the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which was in power at the time.

Where are they going to go from here? With a wagging finger, he exclaimed, "The path that leads to war!" "The road that leads Taiwan into danger, the road that leads to uncertainty!"

As Taiwan draws closer to the election that will take place this weekend, the Kuomintang (KMT) is attempting to persuade voters that they must choose between a situation of war or peace with China.

Beijing recognises the self-governing island as its own territory, and despite the fact that it advocates for "peaceful reunification," it has not ruled out the possibility of employing force in order to acquire Taiwan.

Over the course of the past eight years, during which the DPP has been in power, China has persistently increased its military presence in the region surrounding Taiwan, engaging in a form of warfare known as greyzone warfare.

In response, the Democratic People's Party (DPP) has stated that they, too, desire peace and stability, while simultaneously preserving Taiwan's progress.

A campaign advertisement that went viral not so long ago depicted the outgoing President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, traveling at a relaxed pace on peaceful country roads with William Lai, the presidential candidate of her party. Following that, she exits the vehicle, and Mr. Lai, who is accompanied by his running mate Hsiao Bi-Khim, takes the wheel. As Ms. Tsai urges them, "Drive better than me," she means it.

However, there are many who are skeptical that he is capable of getting the job done.

Numerous individuals who were interviewed by the BBC expressed a greater concern about the economy and the expense of living during the KMT event that took place in Taoyuan, which is a region that is well-known for its ardent followers. However, relations with China were also a significant factor.

When I was younger, I never considered the prospect of war; but, now that we have this possibility, it is terrifying. A service worker named Ms. Shi, who is 45 years old and is accompanied by her parents, expressed her desire to return to peace with the KMT. "The DPP is just too aggressive," she remarked.

There is a lot that we can learn from China, specifically about how they care for their inhabitants. Observe their high-speed rails and the infrastructure that they have here. Even their mobile phones are more modern than those of other countries. Someone by the name of Ms. Tu, who is 58 years old, stated that we do not have it.

"I'm not really suggesting that we should come together, but I do believe that we ought to collaborate more. According to Mr. Li, a member of the KMT party, "We are exactly the same people as China, and we share the same ideals."

It is a challenging effort of balancing.
During the Chinese civil war, the Kuomintang (KMT) fought against the Chinese Communist Party, which was its most vehement adversary, until ultimately retreating to Taiwan in defeat. The preference now is for warmer ties.

This is partly attributable to the growing degree of economic interdependence between the two countries. China has become an important economic lifeline for Taiwan on account of its position as the largest buyer of Taiwanese products.

There are hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese businessmen known as "taishang" who are dependent on the mainland for their means of maintenance. A significant number of taishang are included in the traditional supporting base of the KMT.

Within the Kuomintang (KMT), which is a blue-colored party, there is still a large amount of power held by the "deep blue" faction, which advocates for the strongest possible connections with China.

Many of them are descendants of the generation that is commonly referred to as the 1949 generation, which fled China in 1949, the year when Mao Zedong's communist forces acquired control of the country. The mainland continues to hold a significant emotional connection for them.

In recent years, however, the KMT has been confronted with a balancing act that has become increasingly challenging.

Despite the fact that it is working to establish tight connections with China, it is also concerned with maintaining its relevance to an electorate that is growing more and more distant from the mainland. It has been in power in Taiwan for decades, although it has recently been defeated by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in a number of elections.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated through polls that the majority of Taiwanese people believe they have a distinct Taiwanese identity and would rather maintain the status quo, which does not include either declaring independence or merging with the mainland.

The Kuomintang (KMT) has been forced to tone down its stance, reiterating that it is not "pro-China" but rather seeking to cultivate more amicable relations.

A former law enforcement officer who is considered to be a "light blue" moderate and a "benshengren" who hails from a Taiwanese family in the area, Mr. Hou has been put forth as the party's presidential candidate. In recent days, Mr. Hou has provided a response to Xi Jinping's reiterated pledge of unification by stating that he would "forever protect Taiwan's democratic system" and liberties.

In the same vein, Mr. Jaw, a fiery "deep blue" media personality who has in the past called for unification, recently stated that the systems of China and Taiwan were "too different" and told supporters that he would not work for unification if he were to become vice president.

Despite this, the KMT is still considered to be taking a number of risks.

In the first place, its speech is quite similar to the language used in China, which may not be a flattering appearance to some voters.

During the month of November, a high-ranking official from China named Song Tao stated that the two parties were confronted with "a choice between war and peace, prosperity and decline." Due of this, the government of the Democratic People's Party (DPP) asserted that China was employing the narrative in order to exert influence over Taiwan in the run-up to the election.

"Separatist" and "troublemaker" are two terms that Beijing has used to describe Mr. Lai, who is a member of the Democratic People's Party (DPP).

Another issue is that it is not entirely obvious if a government led by the KMT would be able to maintain peace and placate Beijing at the same time.

"The KMT is confident that it will be able to convince Beijing to make a commitment to restraint and to keep it. According to Ian Chong, a non-resident researcher at Carnegie China, "When I consider China's stance on Hong Kong, I am less certain about Beijing's willingness to commit to anything." Carnegie China is a non-resident scholar.

Perhaps Beijing will momentarily relax its stance if the KMT is victorious. Overall, however, they are interested in gaining control over Taiwan, either by economic reliance or through the demonstration of power and intimidation.

In addition, this provides a challenge for the KMT over the course of the long run. The gap between what voters desire for Taiwan's relationship with China and what the KMT has stood for continues to deepen with each passing generation.

"The war and peace narrative is the reflection of a party trying to reconcile two different sides of itself and trying to present a coherent argument to voters," said Dr. Chong. "The narrative is a reflection of these two things."

At the same time, however, there is a natural conflict between the direction that the KMT is heading as a party and the direction that voters are heading. They are going to have to make a decision regarding the type of party that they belong to: the Chinese Nationalist Party? According to him, he was referring to the official English name of the Kuomintang.

"Or is it happy to be a Taiwan nationalist party?"

